Anemia In Pregnancy clerking template for Obstetrics MBBS

 2. Anaemia in pregnancy

Important History


 Possible chief complaint

- Anaemic symptoms (eg. SOB, lethargy, palpitation, etc)

- Planned admission for blood transfusion



1. Booking haemoglobin:

 Normal: indicate that patient is not anaemic prior to


 Low: ask for symptoms of chronic blood loss before

pregnancy (menorrhagia, chronic GI blood loss, worm


2. Whether prophylactic oral iron supplement (haematinics) was


 T. ferrous fumarate 200mg od

 T. folic acid 5mg od

 T. vitaminc Bco 1/1 od

 T. vitamin C 1/1 od

3. Hb trend during pregnancy, ask patient when Hb starts to


4. Any treatment given when the Hb starts to drop?

 escalate the oral iron to therapeutic dose (a diagnosis of

IDA is presumed)

- T. ferrous fumarate 400-800mg/day (in 2 divided


- Repeat the FBC 4 weeks later

5. How is the treatment response? (whether Hb improves?)

 If Hb improves after therapeutic iron treatment is


- The diagnosis of IDA is confirmed

 If Hb remains low

- Check compliance

 Forgetfulness to take medication

 Side effects (GI upset, constipation, vomiting)

- Check whether method of oral iron intake is correct or


 Empty stomach (2 hours before or after meal)

 Should not take it with coffee and tea (impair iron

GI absorption)

 Take it with vitamin C (enhance iron GI absorption)

- Blood investigation is indicated to ascertain the

diagnosis of IDA

 Any further treatment escalation?

 Any admission for blood transfusion / parenteral iron

during pregnancy?

 Diet history eg. vegetarian (IDA), family history of

anaemia (thalassaemia)

 Monitoring of complication of anaemia in pregnancy:

- symptoms of placenta abruption (abdominal pain / PV bleeding)

- Regular fetal growth scan to rule out IUGR

Physical Examination

- Look for signs of IDA:

o Conjunctival pallor, Glossitis, angular stomatitis,


**post-cricoid webs(plummer vinson syndrome)

- Per abdomen to look for abdominal tenderness for AP- Uterus smaller than date (IUGR)

Complete examination by:

- Speculum exam: PV bleeding for AP


Mother Fetus


1. FBC: to confirm HCMC

2. FBP: to confirm morphology of rbc such as

target cell and pencil cell

3. Iron studies:

 Serum ferritin (to confirm IDA if the

levels < 15, threshold levels to start

treatment is < 30)

 Serum Iron & TIBC (not reliable to

reflect iron storage)

 Tsat [Formula = (serum iron x

100)/TIBC], IDA is likely if the level <


Serial u/s of

fetus tro iugr

 Hb electrophoresis (beta thal)

 DNA analysis (a thal)


Treatment of IDA:

1. Oral iron in therapeutic dose

2. Repeat FBC 1 month later to assess the response

3. If there is slow /no response of Hb improvement,

 Increase the dose further but still within 100-200mg

elemental iron dosage

 If it is due to suboptimal compliance due to side effect,

change to other type oral iron tablet which has lower

side effect profile, eg Iberet

 Parenteral iron

4. Parenteral Iron (eg. Venofer, Cosmofer, Avofer)

 Dose: there is a specific formula to calculate

 When do you consider parenteral iron?

- Failed oral iron treatment due to non-compliance,

side effects

- Contraindication to oral iron treatment eg. GI

malabsorption problems eg. inflammatory bowel


5. Blood transfusion

 Symptomatic of anaemia

 Hb levels < 8 at term

6. Any other relevant management?

 Dietary: high iron diet (eg. spinach, liver, red meat, etc)

 Watchout for placenta abruption (association with

anaemia in pregnancy)

 Monitor fetal growth because there is risk of IUGR


- send GSH/GXM to standby blood product if she

remain anaemic at time of delivery

- Prevention of PPH by active 3rd stage management,

prophylactic uterotonic agents (oxytocin use after

delivery) Postpartum:

- Assess Hb post-partum (target 10 g/dl and above)

 If < 10, therapeutic iron treatment and reassess FBC 2-4

weeks later. Consider blood transfusion if Hb < 7-8 or

patient has anaemic symptoms

 If > 10, prescribe prophylactic iron supplement for 3 months

to replenish iron storage

 Monitor for lochia loss

 Effective contraception:

 Ensure good pregnancy spacing and thus it allows time for

Hb to recover

 avoid method that can trigger bleeding problem

 eg. copper IUCD


1) what cause her hb to keep dropping despite of having

enough hematinin and compliance

- so tanya pasal diet hx and also workout for thalassemia

(kna tanya dalam family hx )

2) what are the effect of anemia to pregnancy

- placental abruption – APH


- PIH/Pre-eclampsia

- Cardiac failure

- Preterm labour

3) What is the Cut off value

o 1st trimester – 11 g/dL

o 2nd & 3rd trimester – <10.5 g/dL

o Post-partum – <10 g/dL
